Cleansing, Optimism, and Harmony Blue lace agate is a member of the agate family, and has a soothing appearance. The gem has bands of layers of blue, most of which vary in hues from very light to bright, almost sapphire blue. Occasionally, these stones also contain threads of brown. First discovered in Namibia, it has also been discovered in parts of India, South Africa, Brazil, China, and a few places throughout the United States of America. Blue lace agate jewelry is sought after for its numerous benefits, which include various senses of renewal, such as unity, cleansing, hope, harmony, joy, truth, and positivity. Wearing this unique gemstone jewelry will allow a soothing flow of energy and protect you from negative energy. Aside from the balancing of the third eye and heart chakra, blue lace crystal is strongly connected to the throat chakra. The stone is often worn by public speaking professionals or those who require extensive use of their voices, such as singers, actors, and musicians. It is not a traditional birthstone, but it is the natural birthstone for those born between the vernal equinox and the rest of spring (February 19th-March 19th). It is also good for the two zodiac signs of Gemini and Pisces.